Data Export Reports

>What are Data Export Reports?

>Prerequisites for Working with Data Export Reports

>Predefined Data Export Reports and Supported Custom Attributes

>Working with Data Export Reports

>Best Practices for Generating Data Export Reports

>Actions for Data Export Reports


>New to Sentinel EMS?
See How to Use Sentinel EMS?

>More on Data Export Reports
See Data Export Downloads

What are Data Export Reports?

Data export reports provide a way for you to get better insights into your software business dynamics. Data export reports are a collection of reports used for asynchronous data processing and reporting. Predefined data export reports are based on the customer requirements identified through research. These reports can be customized and configured to provide meaningful data. Report generation of data export reports can be triggered manually through the Sentinel EMS user interface or automated through the Sentinel EMS REST API.

You use data export reports to export information of entities such as entitlements, activations, channel partners, customers, products, and custom entities to a CSV file. You can visualize the generated CSV file using any commercial business intelligence tool, such as Microsoft Power BI. Included in the release is a Power BI template offering ready-to-use reference visualization for your business, based on the exported data. Included are views on purchases, deployment rates, new and existing customer growth, and deployment information on channel partners. The Power BI template can also be customized to meet additional requirements.

The benefits of data export reports include:

>Ease of customization and configuration, requiring no SQL expertise.

>Simplicity in selecting custom attributes and filtering by date range.

>Utilization of predefined data export reports to create your own reports that include your custom attributes.

>Provide a mechanism to generate data export asynchronously.

>Downloadable in the widely-compatible CSV format.

Prerequisites for Working with Data Export Reports

>To set up customized data export reports: The vendor user must have administrative rights in Sentinel EMS.

>To generate data export reports: The vendor user must have administrative rights or Report Management permissions in Sentinel EMS.

For details, see Roles.

Predefined Data Export Reports and Supported Custom Attributes

Sentinel EMS provides out-of-the-box data export reports that you can configure to display custom attribute details and create customized data export reports.

NOTE   You cannot create customized data export reports for the following:

>The Custom Entities data export report because this report already includes all custom entity attributes.

> All predefined data export reports for SCL Add-on for RMS because these reports do not support custom attributes and any customization.

The following table lists the predefined data export reports and the input custom attribute entity types, if applicable:

Predefined Data Export Report Description Entitlement Product Key Activation Product Customer Channel Partner
Entitlements and Activations Predefined data export report based on entitlement and activation attributes along with their custom attributes.      
Channel Partners Predefined data export report based on channel partner attributes and custom attributes.          
Customers Predefined data export report based on customer attributes and custom attributes.          
Products Predefined data export report based on product attributes and custom attributes.          
Extended Activations

Predefined data export report based on additional activation attributes that are not available in the Entitlements and Activations report, such as associated products, product suites, and device fingerprint.

Custom Entities

Predefined data export report that retrieves all attributes that are defined for a specific custom entity. You select the custom entity name when generating the report.

Custominzed data export reports are not supported for the Custom Entities data export report because all of the custom entity attributes are already included in this report.

Data Export Reports Relevant only for SCL Add-on for RMS
Raw Usage A data export report that contains all usage records for the specified time period. Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
Granular Usage Transactions A data export report that contains session-related records for individual licensing API calls (login, refresh, and logout) for the specified time period. Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
Vendor Info Usage A data export report that contains the total usage count per feature for the specified time period, grouped by vendor info. Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
Product Usage A data export report that contains the total usage count per feature for each user of a selected customer, grouped by product. Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
Feature Usage A data export report that contains the total usage count per feature for the specified time period. Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
User Usage A data export report that contains the total usage count per feature for the specified time period, grouped by user. Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable

Working with Data Export Reports

The following tasks can be performed for data export reports:

>Creating customized data export reports: If supported, you can configure custom attributes in a predefined, data export report to create a new, customized data export report. For more information, see Creating Customized Data Export Reports.

>Generating data export reports: You can generate predefined and customized data export reports in CSV format. For more information, see Generating Data Export Reports.

>Downloading data export reports: After you generate a data export report, you can download the report from the Data Export Downloads page. For more information, see Downloading Data Export Reports.

Creating Customized Data Export Reports

If the Copy Copy button button is available in the Actions column for an existing data export report, you can create a customized data export report that is based on that report.

To create customized data export reports:

1.From the navigation pane, select Reports > Data Export Reports to view the Data Export Reports page.

2.In the Actions column for the report that you want to use as a basis for the new data export report, click the Copy Copy button button. The Copy Report Template page opens, as shown in the example below:

3.Modify the Data Export Report Attributes as needed.

4.Associate Custom Attributes as needed.

5.Click Save. The report is created and listed in the Data Export Reports page. You can expand the report to view its details. The report is now available for generation, as described in Generating Data Export Reports.

Data Export Report Attributes

The following table explains the attributes that are used to create a data export report:

Attribute Description Required/Optional Valid Values
Name Name of the data export report. Required

>1 to 100 characters


>Special characters supported: spaces, - (hyphens), and _ (underscores)

>Must be unique

Description Additional information about the data export report. Optional

0 to 500 characters

Associate Custom Attributes

After defining the data export report attributes, you can associate custom attributes, using the Associate Custom Attributes pane displayed below:

The points to remember when you associate a custom attributes with a data export report:

>Custom attributes must already exist for the entity of the data export report being created. For information on creating custom attributes, see Custom Attributes.

>The Entity Type list displays all of the custom attribute entity types supported for the data export report being created. For information on supported custom attribute entity types for each predefined data export report, see Predefined Data Export Reports and Supported Custom Attributes.

>Use the Entity Type and Search lists to filter the custom attributes in this pane.

>Select an Available Custom Attribute from the list to add it to the data export report. The custom attribute appears under Associated Custom Attributes.

>Click Delete button for an associated custom attribute to remove it from the Associated Custom Attributes list.

Generating Data Export Reports

You must generate data export reports before you can download them. All users with permissions to view reports can generate a data export report.

To generate a data export report:

1.From the navigation pane, select Reports > Data Export Reports to view the Data Export Reports page.

2.In the Actions column for the data export report that you want to generate, click the Generate Report button. The Generate Data Export Report page is displayed.

3.To generate a report, specify Start Date, End Date, and other parameters (if available) based on which you want to generate the data export report. For details of the parameters, see Input and Output Parameters for Data Export Reports.

4.Click Generate to generate the data export report in CSV format. You can download the report from the Data Export Downloads page. For more information, see Downloading Data Export Reports.

NOTE   Data export reports are generated asynchronously, and there may be a delay before they are available for download in the Data Export Downloads page.

Input and Output Parameters for Data Export Reports

The following table describes the inputs parameters available for generating a data export report and the information available in the output CSV file.

Report Name Input Parameters CSV Information
Entitlements and Activations

>Start Date (Mandatory): Date from when the report data is required.

>End Date (Mandatory): Date up to when the report data is required.

>Format (Read-only): CSV.

See CSV Attributes for the Entitlements and Activations Data Export Report.
Channel Partners

>Start Date (Mandatory): Date from when the report data is required.

>End Date (Mandatory): Date up to when the report data is required.

>Format (Read-only): CSV.

See CSV Attributes for the Channel Partners Data Export Report.

>Start Date (Mandatory): Date from when the report data is required.

>End Date (Mandatory): Date up to when the report data is required.

>Format (Read-only): CSV.

See CSV Attributes for the Customers Data Export Report.

>Start Date (Mandatory): Date from when the report data is required.

>End Date (Mandatory): Date up to when the report data is required.

>Format (Read-only): CSV.

See CSV Attributes for the Products Data Export Report.
Extended Activations

>Start Date (Mandatory): Date from when the report data is required.

>End Date (Mandatory): Date up to when the report data is required.

>Format (Read-only): CSV.

See CSV Attributes for the Extended Activations Data Export Report.
Custom Entities

>Start Date (Mandatory): Date from when the report data is required.

>End Date: (Mandatory): Date up to when the report data is required.

>Custom Entity Name (Mandatory): Name of the custom entity for which the report data is required.

>Format (Read-only): CSV.

See CSV Attributes for the Custom Entities Data Export Report.
Data Export Reports Relevant only for SCL Add-on for RMS
Raw Usage

>Start Date (Mandatory): Start date from when the usage data is required.

>End Date (Mandatory): End date up to when the usage data is required.

>Customer Name: Customer for whom the usage data is required.

>Customer Identifier: Customer identifier that identifies a specific customer to generate this report.

>Product Name: Product name for which this report is generated.

>Product Version: Version that identifies the product to generate this report.

>Feature Name: Feature name for which this report is generated.

>Feature Version: Version that identifies the feature to generate this report.

>User: User for whom this report is generated.

>EID: Unique entitlement identifier.

>Entitlement State: Select from All, Enable, Disable, Enable and Disable, and Revoked.

>Format (Read-only): CSV.

See CSV Attributes for the Raw Usage Data Export Report.
Granular Usage Transactions

>Usage Collection Start Date (Mandatory): Start date of usage data collection from when the report is required. Usage collection date is the date on which the usage is collected to the cloud.

>Usage Collection End Date (Mandatory): End date of usage data collection up to when the report is required.

>Usage Generation Start Date: Start date of usage data generation from when the report is required. Usage generation date is the date on which usage is created on client machines.

>Usage Generation End Date: End date of usage data generation up to when the report is required.


Assume, that a lease license is fetched to the client machine on 1-January-2020, lease license consumption happens between 1-January-2020 to 5-January-2020 and usage is pushed to the cloud on 10-January-2020.

Then the following is true:

The Usage Collection Start Date field should have the value 10-January-2020 to view the granular report.

The Usage Generation Start Date field should have the value 1-January-2020 to view the granular report.

>Customer Name: Customer for whom the usage data is required.

>Customer Identifier: Customer identifier that identifies a specific customer to generate this report.

>Product Key: Product key for which this report is generated.

>Product Name: Product name for which this report is generated.

>Product Version: Version that identifies the product to generate this report.

>Feature Name: Feature name for which this report is generated.

>Feature Version: Version that identifies the feature to generate this report.

>User: User for whom this report is generated.

>EID: Unique entitlement identifier.

>Transaction Type: Login, Logout, Refresh, or All.

>Vendor Usage Data: Software vendor-related information.

>Host Name: Machine where usage information is being tracked.

>Format (Read-only): CSV.

See CSV Attributes for the Granular Usage Transactions Data Export Report.

Vendor Info Usage

>Start Date (Mandatory): Start date from when the usage data is required.

>End Date (Mandatory): End date up to when the usage data is required.

>Customer Name: Customer for whom the usage data is required.

>Customer Identifier: Customer identifier that identifies a specific customer to generate this report.

>Format (Read-only): CSV.

See CSV Attributes for the Vendor Info Usage Data Export Report.

Product Usage

>Start Date (Mandatory): Start date from when the usage data is required.

>End Date (Mandatory): End date up to when the usage data is required.

>Customer Name: This attribute is used to generate report for a specific customer.

>Customer Identifier: Customer identifier that identifies a specific customer to generate this report.

>Product Name:Product name for which this report is generated.

>Product Version: Version that identifies the product to generate this report.

>Format (Read-only): CSV.

See CSV Attributes for the Product Usage Data Export Report.

Feature Usage

>Start Date (Mandatory): Date from when the usage data is required.

>End Date (Mandatory): Date up to when the usage data is required.

>Customer Name: Customer for whom the usage data is required.

>Customer Identifier: Customer identifier that identifies a specific customer to generate this report.

>Product Name: Product name for which this report is generated.

>Product Version: Version that identifies the product to generate this report. For a versionless product, enter NA.

>Feature Name: Feature name for which this report is generated.

>Feature Version: Version that identifies the feature to generate this report.

>Format (Read-only): CSV.

See CSV Attributes for the Feature Usage Data Export Report.

User Usage

>Start Date (Mandatory): Start date from when the usage data is required.

>End Date (Mandatory): End date up to when the usage data is required.

>Customer Name: Customer for whom the usage data is required.

>Customer Identifier: Customer identifier that identifies a specific customer to generate this report.

>User: User for whom this report is generated.

>Format (Read-only): CSV.

See CSV Attributes for the User Usage Data Export Report.

Best Practices for Generating Data Export Reports

Some notes on best practices to generate data export reports:

>If you have a large dataset, use relevant filters to reduce the time taken in report generation. Instead of creating one report with a massive amount of data, we recommend running multiple reports with segmented data.

For example, instead of a monthly report, consider generating weekly reports. Similarly, rather than generating reports for all customers, entitlements, products, or features, narrow it down to specific ones.

> It is recommended to schedule report generation during off-peak hours. Keep in mind that as soon as a report is in progress, it cannot be canceled, so plan accordingly.

Actions for Data Export Reports

The following table lists the actions available for data export reports:

Action Description
Copy button Copy

Duplicates a predefined data export report to create a new one.

This action is available only for predefined data export reports that support the creation of customized data export reports. For more information, see Creating Customized Data Export Reports.

Edit button Edit

Enables you to update information for an existing data export report.

This action is available only for customized data export reports and is not available for predefined data export reports.

Delete button Delete

Deletes a data export report.

This action is available only for customized data export reports and is not available for predefined data export reports.

Generate button Generate Report

Initiates the process of generating a data export report.

  View Data Export Downloads

For the selected data export report, opens the Data Export Downloads page from where you can download the report. For details, see Data Export Downloads.