CSV File Formats for Data Export Reports

>CSV Attributes for the Entitlements and Activations Data Export Report

>CSV Attributes for the Channel Partners Data Export Report

>CSV Attributes for the Customers Data Export Report

>CSV Attributes for the Products Data Export Report

>CSV Attributes for the Extended Activations Data Export Report

>CSV Attributes for the Custom Entities Data Export Report

> CSV Attributes for the Raw Usage Data Export Report

> CSV Attributes for the Granular Usage Transactions Data Export Report

> CSV Attributes for the Vendor Info Usage Data Export Report

> CSV Attributes for the Product Usage Data Export Report

> CSV Attributes for the Feature Usage Data Export Report

> CSV Attributes for the User Usage Data Export Report

See also: Data Export Reports

You use data export reports to export information of entities such as entitlements, activations, channel partners, customers, and products to a CSV file. This page describes the information that is available in the CSV file.

CSV Attributes for the Entitlements and Activations Data Export Report

The following table describes the attributes in the CSV file for the Entitlements and Activations data export report:

Header Description


Specifies the type of record.

Possible values:

>LineItem: Record is for a line item of an entitlement.

>Activation: Record is for an activation.

> Revocation*: Record is for a revocation.

>Split: Record is for a split or transfer of entitlement. 


Specifies whether a line item or activation is for a lease-based entitlement. 

Possible values:

>1: Line item or activation is for a lease-based entitlement.

>Any value other than 1: Line item or activation is for an entitlement, which is not lease-based.


Specifies an automatically generated unique ID that is assigned to line items.


Specifies an automatically generated unique ID that is assigned to entitlements. An entitlement identified by EntID may contain multiple line items.


Specifies the state of activation. 

Possible values:

>1: The line item has not been activated.

>2: The line item is activated. The license was generated.

> 3: The revocation* receipt was uploaded. Confirmation from the software vendor is pending.

> 4: The revocation* process has started. The permission ticket was generated.

> 5: Revocation* was done successfully. The revocation credit is added to the total activation credit of the customer.

> 19: Revocation* was done manually.

>20: The activation is renewed.


Unique, automatically generated ID that identifies the activation record in the Sentinel EMS database. Example: 12121


Specifies a previous ActivationId for activations that were renewed. 


Specifies a unique identifier for an entitlement. The EID is shared with customers so that they can log in to the customer portal using EID and activate entitlements.


Specifies an automatically generated ID that identifies the product line item of an entitlement.

Use Case:

This information can often be used in combination with custom attributes to understand renewal.


Specifies the state of entitlement.

Possible values:

>1: Entitlement is in draft state.

>2: Entitlement is marked as Completed.


Specifies the state of a line item.

Possible values:

>1:Line item is in draft state.

>2: Line item is marked as Completed.


Specifies the date of occurrence of the event. The event is identified by the RowType field.

Possible values:

>Line item start date if the record is for a line item (RowType is LineItem).

>Activation date if the record is for an activation (RowType is Activation).

> Revocation* date if the record is for a revocation (RowType is Revocation).


Specifies the start date of entitlement.

Use Case:

This information can be used to calculate the number of entitlements, where multiple products or line items are associated with a single entitlement. This information can also be used to track a customer's history.


Specifies the end date of entitlement. 


Specifies the start date of a line item. 


Specifies the date when the create operation was performed on the line item. The line item creation date may be different from the line item start date.

Use Case:

For migration from a previous system, this date can be used to calculate quantities sold in a given time frame during the migration or later.


Specifies the end date of a line item.

ModifyDate Specifies the date when the record was last modified.


Specifies the product identifier associated with the line item. 


Specifies the product associated with the line item. 


Specifies the product version.


Specifies the quantity based on the RowType field.

>Quantity activated if the record is for an activation (RowType is Activation).

> Quantity revoked if the record is for a revocation* (RowType is Revocation).

>Quantity in a line item if the record is for a line item (RowType is LineItem).


Specifies the quantity split from the parent line item.


Specifies the customer identifier associated with the line item.


Specifies the customer name. 

Partner1, Partner2, Partner3, Partner4, and Partner5

Specifies the channel partners associated with the line items. 

PartnerId1, PartnerId2, PartnerId3, PartnerId4, and PartnerId5.

Specifies the channel partner IDs associated with the channel partners. 

Custom Attributes for Line Items

Specifies the custom attributes associated with line items. If you configured the data export report to display custom attribute details for line items, then each custom attribute is displayed in a new column after the existing columns in the record.

Custom Attributes for Entitlements

Specifies the custom attributes associated with entitlements. If you configured the data export report to display custom attribute details for entitlements, then each custom attribute is displayed in a new column after the existing columns in the record.

Custom Attributes for Activations

Specifies the custom attributes associated with activations. If you configured the data export report to display custom attribute details for activations, then each custom attribute is displayed in a new column after the existing columns in the record.

CSV Attributes for the Channel Partners Data Export Report

The following table describes the information in the CSV file for the Channel Partners data export report:




Specifies the identifier that identifies the channel partner.


Specifies the channel partner name.


Specifies the date when the channel partner was created. 


Specifies the date when the channel partner was modified. 

Custom Attributes for Channel Partners

Specifies the custom attributes associated with channel partners. If you configured the data export report to display custom attribute details for channel partners, then each custom attribute is displayed in a new column after the existing columns in the record.

CSV Attributes for the Customers Data Export Report

The following table describes the information in the CSV file for the Customers data export report:




Specifies the identifier that identifies the customer.


Specifies the customer name.


Specifies the date when the customer was created. 


Specifies the date when the customer was modified. 

Custom Attributes for Customers

Specifies the custom attributes associated with customers. If you configured the data export report to display custom attribute details for customers, then each custom attribute is displayed in a new column after the existing columns in the record.

CSV Attributes for the Products Data Export Report

The following table describes the information in the CSV file for the Products data export report:


Column Description 


Specifies the identifier that identifies the product.


Specifies the product name.


Specifies the date when the product was created. 


Specifies the date when the product was modified. 

Custom Attributes for Products

Specifies the custom attributes associated with products. If you configured the data export report to display custom attribute details for products, then each custom attribute is displayed in a new column after the existing columns in the record.

CSV Attributes for the Extended Activations Data Export Report

The following table describes the attributes in the CSV file for the Extended Activations data export report:

Header Description

Whether the activation is for a lease-based entitlement. 

Possible values:

>1: Activation is for a lease-based entitlement.

>Any value other than 1: Activation is for an entitlement that is not lease-based.


The state of activation. 

Possible values:

>ACTIVATED: The line item is activated. The license was generated.

> REVOCATION_IN_PROGRESS: The revocation* receipt was uploaded. Confirmation from the software vendor is pending.

> REVOKED_PARTIALLY: The revocation* process has started. The permission ticket was generated.

> REVOKE_CONFIRMED: Revocation* was done successfully. The revocation credit is added to the total activation credit of the customer.

> REHOSTED: The activation was rehosted.

> REVOKED_MANUALLY: Revocation* was done manually.

>RENEWED: The activation is renewed.

>EXPIRED: The entitlement cannot be activated because the end date for the entitlement is in the past and the entitlement has expired.


A unique, automatically generated ID that identifies the activation record in the Sentinel EMS database. Example: 12121


The previous activationId for activations that were renewed. 


A unique identifier for the entitlement. The EID is shared with customers so that they can log in to the customer portal using EID and activate entitlements.


An auto-generated GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) that is assigned to activations, for example: q5251rst-69q6-49qz-qrs5-45q225r9375s

The AID is visible in Sentinel EMS.


Automatically generated number that identifies the product key ID.

Use Case:

This information can often be used in combination with custom attributes to understand renewal.


The date of activation.

modifyDate The date when the record was last modified.
productSuiteId The product suite ID associated with the activation.
productSuiteName The product suite name associated with the activation.
productSuiteVer The product suite version associated with the activation


The product identifier associated with the activation. 


The name of the product associated with the activation. 


The product version associated with the activation.


The quantity activated.


The customer identifier associated with the activation.


The name of the customer associated with the activation. 


The name of the enforcement associated with the activation. 

device_name The name of the device on which the activation was performed. A Device Name is a friendly representation of the locking information of a device.
device_fingerPrint The fingerprint value entered during activation.
Custom Attributes for Activations

The custom attributes associated with activations. If you configured the data export report to display custom attribute details for activations, then each custom attribute is displayed in a new column after the existing columns in the record.

CSV Attributes for the Custom Entities Data Export Report

The following table describes the information in the CSV file for the Custom Entities data export report:


Column Description 

rowId Specifies the unique identifier of the instance associated with the custom entity.


Specifies the name of the custom entity.

<entity attribute name>


Specifies the name of the entity attribute.

Each entity attribute is displayed in a new column after the existing columns in the record.  

CSV Attributes for the Raw Usage Data Export Report

The following table describes the information in the CSV file for the Raw Usage data export report:


Column Description 

Usage Count

The usage count per feature.

Customer Identifier

The identifier that identifies the customer.

Feature Name

The name of the feature.

Feature Version

The version of the feature.


Name of the end user who consumed the license.

Start Date Time

Start date of the period for which the usage is collected on the cloud.

End Date Time

End date of the period for which the usage is collected on the cloud.

Source IP Address

IP address of the machine where the license is consumed.

Vendor Usage Data

The information related to the software vendor.

Entitlement Id

The identifier that identifies an entitlement.

Product key

The identifier that identifies a product key.

Product Name

The name of the product.

Feature Usage Type

Data aggregation type for tracking usage. The value is Count Based for supported Sentinel RMS license models. In Count Based usage type each login-logout pair is counted as a single execution.

CSV Attributes for the Granular Usage Transactions Data Export Report

The following table describes the information in the CSV file for the Granular Usage Transactions data export report:


Column Description 

Usage Generation Date (In UTC)

Date on which the usage is created on client machines.

Usage Collection Date (In UTC)

Date on which the usage is collected to the cloud.

Transaction Type

Type of transaction, such as login, logout, or refresh.


The identifier that identifies an entitlement.

Product Key

The identifier that identifies a product key.

Customer Identifier

 The identifier that identifies a customer.

Product Name

The name of the product.

Product Version

The version of the product.

Feature Name

The name of the feature.

Feature Version

The version of the feature.


The name of the user.

Consumed Usage Count

The usage count that was consumed for the session.

Consumed User Limit

The number of users who consumed the licensed software.

Session ID

The unique identifier for a session. 

Vendor Usage Data

The information related to the software vendor.

System Generated

A flag that identifies the system-generated information. The value is "true" corresponding to the logout call records to identify the sessions that are abandoned by the system.

CSV Attributes for the Vendor Info Usage Data Export Report

The following table describes the information in the CSV file for the Vendor Info Usage data export report:


Column Description 

Feature ID

An automatically generated unique ID that is assigned to the feature.

Feature Name

The name of the feature.

Feature Version

The feature version.

Vendor Info Information that a software vendor includes as a part of the license code.
Usage Type Data aggregation type for tracking usage. The value is Count Based for supported Sentinel RMS license models. In Count Based usage type each login-logout pair is counted as a single execution.
Customer Identifier The identifier that identifies the customer.

Usage Count

The usage count per feature.

CSV Attributes for the Product Usage Data Export Report

The following table describes the information in the CSV file for the Product Usage data export report:


Column Description 

Product Name The name and version of the product.

Feature ID

An automatically generated unique ID that is assigned to features.

Feature Name

The name of the feature.

Feature Version

The feature version.

Usage Count

The usage count per feature.

CSV Attributes for the Feature Usage Data Export Report

The following table describes the information in the CSV file for the Feature Usage data export report:


Column Description 

Feature ID

An automatically generated unique ID that is assigned to features.

Feature Name

The name of the feature.

Feature Version The feature version.
Customer Identifier The identifier that identifies the customer.

Usage Count

The usage count per feature.

CSV Attributes for the User Usage Data Export Report

The following table describes the information in the CSV file for the User Usage data export report:


Column Description 

User ID

An automatically generated unique ID that is assigned to the user.

Product Name and version of the product

Feature ID

An automatically generated unique ID that is assigned to features.

Feature Name

The name of the feature.

Feature Version

The feature version.

Customer Identifier The identifier that identifies the customer.

Usage Count

The usage count per feature.