Sentinel Fit Enforcement Properties

License File Name Configuration

Field Description
License File Name Format

The naming pattern to be used when generating a license certificate file.

You can use static text, or a dynamic expression using the supported parameters listed below, or a combination of both. When a license file is generated, Sentinel EMS evaluates the expression based on the License File Name Format value, and replaces any parameters with actual data.

Example: Suppose you want to configure the license file name format to include your company's name (static text), the product name and activation date and time (dynamic expressions), and the .v2c suffix, using hyphens as delimiters. In this scenario, If your company's name is Papyrus, and the product is named TextEditor, you would enter:


If you generated the license on March 3, 2024 just before 11:00 AM UTC, the license file might be named:

Papyrus-TextEditor-2024-03-28 10_59_52.v2c

If a value is not defined for a specific parameter, then Sentinel EMS skips that value. For example, if the license file name format is defined as {}-{entitlement.refId1}, but for a specific entitlement, no reference ID was defined, then the generated file name would include only the customer name followed by a hyphen, which is the delimiter. In this case, if the company name is Papyrus, then the generated file name would be Papyrus-.

Similarly, if a value includes an unsupported character, then Sentinel EMS replaces that character with an underscore. For example, suppose that the value for {entitlement.refId1} includes a slash (/). In this case the slash would be replaced with an underscore (_). If the value for {entitlement.refId1} is evaluated as ABC/123, then the generated license file name would be ABC_123.

Although you are setting the license file name format at the global level for all license file certificates, the format can be overwritten for a specific license model at the license model level if the option is available. For details, see Copying a License Model.


Default value: licenseFile.v2c

To customize the license file name format:

1.Enter the required file name format.

Static text. (Optional) Specify a file name that does not change. You can also combine static text with one or more parameters.

Supported parameters. (Optional) Specify one or more of the following parameters in any order. Make sure to include the curly brackets.


•  {product.descr}Product description

•  {product.externalId}

•  {}

•  {}


•  {feature.descr}Feature description

•  {feature.externalId}

•  {}

License Model

•  {}


•  {entitlement.customerName}

•  {entitlement.eid}

•  {entitlement.refId1}

•  {entitlement.refId2}


•  {activation.aid}

•  {activation.externalId}

•  {activationAttribute.*}You can use any activation attribute including license model attributes.


•  {timeStamp}Generates the time stamp in UTC format, for example, 2024-03-28 10_59_52

Custom attributes. (Optional) You can include any of the custom attributes that exist for entitlements and activations, for example, entitlementcustomattribute.UNIT_NAME or activationcustomattribute.UNIT_NAME.

Delimiters. (Optional) Separate the parameters using a delimiter, such as a hyphen (-) or underscore (_).

Spaces. Do not include spaces.

Unsupported characters. The following special characters are not supported: \ / : * ? " < > |

Reserved characters. Do not use attribute names from other enforcements, even if those enforcements are not available in your Sentinel EMS portal. For details, see the section on special and reserved enforcement attributes in Sentinel EMS REST API Guide.

Maximum length. Make sure that the generated file name does not exceed the maximum character length:

Complete file name: 215 characters including all parameter values, any delimiters, and the file extension

Each parameter: 50 characters

If the generated file name exceeds the maximum length, the excess is truncated from the end.

File name extension. (Optional) A file extension, for example: .txt

2.Validate the file format.

a.Create a test entitlement and activate a product.

b.Download the resulting license file and make sure that the file name matches your expectations.

General Configuration

Field Description
Default License Signing Algorithm

To prevent tampering, sign the licenses with one of the following:

>AES 128-bit key symmetric algorithm

>RSA 2048 asymmetric algorithm

Activation Configuration

Field Description
Fit Substitution Key Value Pair

If enforcement used is Sentinel Fit then this property is used for replacing specified characters in the evaluated output of a dynamic expression.

Format 'special char1':'new replacement char','special char2':'new replacement char' .

See Dynamic Substitution of License Model Attributes for more information on dynamic expressions.

Action Buttons

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Button Description
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